February 17, 2015

50% of Execs Think mHealth will be Key to Patient Engagement #mhealth #epatient

SOURCE February 15, 2015 Half of executive leaders believe that patient engagement will rely heavily on mobile health technologies within the next five years, according to a poll conducted by The Economist.  mHealth technologies will be key to providing patients with their personal health information, supplementing population health management programs, and reducing strain on the overextended healthcare delivery system, the survey found. The poll of 144 healthcare executives revealed optimism ab

Source: internetmedicine.com

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February 17, 2015

Until bioprinters are reality, 3D printing can still save lives #3dprinters #3dhealth

A two-year-old girl born with a hole in her heart had a life-saving operation in London last month thanks to a 3D printer. Perhaps equally astounding is that she’s not the…

Source: gigaom.com

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February 16, 2015

Le marché générique en berne #generique

L’association des génériqueurs, le GEMME*, s’inquiète d’un marché générique en décroissance. En valeur, celui-ci affiche une baisse de 4 % à

Source: www.lequotidiendupharmacien.fr

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February 16, 2015

Gilles Litman: «Le patient devient acteur de sa santé» – Se coacher –#epatient

Gilles Litman, directeur de l’innovation chez Sanofi France, revient sur les suivis médicaux s’appuyant sur la santé connectée, imaginés par le groupe pharmaceutique.

Source: www.meditailing.com

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February 16, 2015

Dr. Google steps up its medical search game again #digitalhealth

Dr. Google steps up its medical search game again http://t.co/MwRF52nCYV #healthcare #mhealth

Source: mobihealthnews.com

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February 16, 2015

PwC report shows importance of social media to healthcare #digitalhealth

One-third of consumers use sites such as Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and online forums to find health-related information, track symptoms and broadcast their thoughts about doctors, drugs, treatments, medical devices and health plans says a recent report by the Health Research Institute (HRI) at Pric

Source: www.healthcarefinancenews.com

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February 16, 2015

Les dépassements d’honoraires à l’hôpital quatre fois plus élevés qu’en clinique – Le Figaro

INFOGRAPHIE – Les dépassements d’honoraires pratiqués par certains médecins en activité libérale à l’hôpital sont moins nombreux qu’en clinique privée, mais plus coûteux, dénonce une étude de 60 millions de consommateurs et du Collectif interassociatif sur la santé.

Source: www.lefigaro.fr

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February 12, 2015

3 ways data analytics can transform healthcare #bigdata

Analytics can and will change healthcare as we know it–but several obstacles remain, according to David Lee Scher, M.D., director at DLS Healthcare Consulting LLC.

Currently, data collected by healthcare entities is “warehoused in a contextual vacuum,” Scher writes in his blog, “The Digital Health Corner.” To truly make use of the data, analytics tools are needed to put all the pieces together, he says; to do that, data needs to be delivered in real-time while being included in workflows.

Some ways Scher says data analytics should be used in healthcare include:

Turning big data into “actionable data”: Remote patient monitoring is growing, and it’s a great way for systems to incorporate analytics, Scher says. Those kinds of data sets could help suggest ways to change a patient’s lifestyle or care. “This is a far cry from the provider receiving a deluge of useless data for analysis,” he writes. “This type of analytics can also incorporate clinical decision support based on evidence-based medicine.”Creating personalized medicine: Analytics are vital to gain value from population health, clinical and digital data for individuals, Scher says. “Analytics can potentially readily address variances of diagnosis and/or treatment of a disease based on geography, race, and genomics,” he writes. That also is in line with President Barack Obama’s recently announced Precision Medicine Initiative, which aims to increase the use of personalized information in healthcare.Lowering care costs: Analytics can help provide transparency on healthcare costs, as well as help patients choose where to be treated. In addition, apps can help patients compare what it will cost for certain procedures, according to Scher.

He adds that analytics isn’t the “Wizard of Oz of healthcare,” but that “a vision of utilizing cost-effective resources such as analytics can be the best investment for success.”

However, some don’t see the analytics revolution coming anytime soon.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Chief Technology Officer Bryan Sivak recently said that, despite all of the strides made in health IT over the last few years, data collection efforts have hit a lull.

“One thing that’s struck me … is that we’re still at the same tip of the iceberg,” Sivak said at the mHealth Summit just outside of the District of Columbia in December. “My Fitbit and Misfit [Shine] and Jawbone and other devices basically do exactly the same stuff with none of the additional analysis that I think is needed to actually make these things much more useful for helping others live a better and healthier life.”


Source: www.fiercehealthit.com

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February 12, 2015

Google améliore ses réponses touchant à la santé #hcsmeufr

Le géant américain Google est en train de modifier son application de recherche mobile, en particulier l’espace « Knowledge Graph », afin d

Source: www.lequotidiendupharmacien.fr

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February 12, 2015

Sanofi backs fully remote clinical trial for diabetes management #pharma

The FDA approved its first fully remote clinical trial in 2012, but that attempt, by Pfizer and Exco InTouch, ended up folding and plans for a mulligan never came to fruition.

Source: mobihealthnews.com

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